Domain registration information

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Domain registration information

You can see and change the information that has been set for domain registration in [My Domain Information] page.
How to access ‘My Domain Information’ page : [Dashboard] > [My Service] > Click ‘Registration’ on the right side of the domain name.
※ You must verify your email address first to modify domain registration information. 


Contact Information

This page is to change your contact information that you submitted for the domain registration.

If there’s a profile that has been submitted for contact information in [My Account], you can bring the information by selecting the contact information.

If you click ‘Apply this info. to all contact’, the selected contact information will be applied to “Registrant, Administrative, Billing, Technical” as same.

The contact information for .NAME domain names cannot be modified for 5 days after registration.


Name Servers

Name Server is a system connecting a domain name and IP address to access homepage by the domain name.
If you register a domain name via HydraDNS, name servers of the DNS service you purchased are automatically registered. If there's no DNS service you purchased, Basic DNS service is automatically registered.
If you entered name servers directly in Shopping Cart page, the name servers will be set as you have entered.
You can directly enter name servers you want by clicking Manual Input button in Domain Registration Information page.
Please refer to 'No. of Registrable Name Servers for each TLD' below because the number of name servers required for each TLD is different.
Please note that you cannot enter name servers that HydraDNS provides.
If you click name server 'Automatic Input', the name servers of DNS service that currently active ae automatically entered.
Please not that it is not able to modify or delete the name servers in this status.

> No. of Registrable Name Servers for each TLD (min.-max.)

> Many and Delete Name Servers